Zellij Documentation
Zellij Documentation
Zellij is an open source Python framework for HyperParameter Optimization (HPO) which was orginally dedicated to Decomposition based algorithms 1 2 . It includes tools to define mixed search space, manage objective functions, and a few algorithms. To implements metaheuristics and other optimization methods, Zellij uses DEAP 3 for the Evolutionary Algorithms part and BoTorch 4 for Bayesian Optimization.
In Zellij we consider a minimization problem with a loss function:
With, the global optima, the objective function, and a compact set made of inequalities (e.g. upper and lower bounds of decision variables).
Currently Zellij supports mono-objective problems and mixed, non-constrained and non-dynamic search spaces.
Hyperparameter optimization problem
A hyperparameter in machine learning is a parameter set before the learning phase, those features will impact the learning and the model design. Whereas, parameters, such as synaptic weights in a neural network, are learned. Hyperparameters can be of multiple types, real, discrete, ordinal, categorical, binary… For example, the learning rate of a Stochastic Gradient Descent, the filter size for a convolution, the activation function for a group of neurons…
When doing HPO of neural networks, one have to face several challenges:
Black box loss functions: the only knowledge are the inputs and ouputs of the function. One cannot computes the derivatives or the Jacobian matrix for example.
Expensive loss functions: the evaluation takes minutes up to days.
Noisy loss function: the value of with fixed is not necessary the same over multiple runs.
High dimensional and mixed search space.
Popular algorithms for such problems are Grid Search, Random Search, Genetic Algorithms* or Bayesian Optimization.
Defining the search space is a critical phase. Selecting too much hyperparameters can result to a combinatorial explosion. Moreover selecting non significant hyperparameters will have a low impact on the training or model. Therefore, before running any optimization algorithms, one should be carefull on the search space design. Optimizing in a poorly defined search space will lead to worthless optimization.
Install Zellij
Basic version
To install the base version of Zellij, you can use:
pip install zellij
Distributed Zellij
This version requires a MPI library, such as MPICH or Open MPI. It is based on mpi4py.
pip install zellij[mpi]
User will then be able to use the MPI=True
option of zellij.core.Loss()
Then the python script must be executed using mpiexec
mpiexec -machinefile <path/to/hostfile> -n <number of processes> python3 <path/to/python/script>
First steps
from zellij.core import FloatVar, ArrayVar, ContinuousSearchspace, Loss
from zellij.strategies import Bayesian_optimization
from zellij.utils.benchmarks import himmelblau
values = ArrayVar(FloatVar("float_1", 0,1),FloatVar("float_2", 0,1))
lf = Loss(save=False)(himmelblau)
sp = ContinuousSearchspace(values,lf)
bo = Bayesian_optimization(sp, 500)
best, score = bo.run()
print(f"Best solution found:\nf({best}) = {score}")
Thomas Firmin: thomas.firmin@univ-lille.fr
El-Ghazali Talbi: el-ghazali.talbi@univ-lille.fr
- 1
Nakib, A., Ouchraa, S., Shvai, N., Souquet, L. & Talbi, E.-G. Deterministic metaheuristic based on fractal decomposition for large-scale optimization. Applied Soft Computing 61, 468–485 (2017).
- 2
Demirhan, M., Özdamar, L., Helvacıoğlu, L. & Birbil, Ş. I. FRACTOP: A Geometric Partitioning Metaheuristic for Global Optimization. Journal of Global Optimization 14, 415–436 (1999).
- 3
Félix-Antoine Fortin, François-Michel De Rainville, Marc-André Gardner, Marc Parizeau and Christian Gagné, “DEAP: Evolutionary Algorithms Made Easy”, Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol. 13, pp. 2171-2175, jul 2012.
- 4
Balandat, B. Karrer, D. R. Jiang, S. Daulton, B. Letham, A. G. Wilson, and E. Bakshy. BoTorch: A Framework for Efficient Monte-Carlo Bayesian Optimization. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 2020